fave song at the moment~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Aku dh lameeeeeeeeeeeee xupdate! jd gatal tgn bukak blog saje tgk2 bnde lame..xde keje kt opis. bosan. EH! tetibe bukak edit posts aku! sekali aku terjumpe post ni...........
and ak tengah pikir ni. EH!nape ak xpost bende ni?????maybe sbb ak xkawen lg ngn die. jdnye ak agak malu nk post kt blog. hahaha~~ dahla ak xbeli present pape pon kat die mase bday die ritu. hahahah~[gelak jaat!]
oklah. WALAUPUN BENDE NI DAH LAPUK..post je la kan. =p ADE AKU KESAH KO SUKE KE X?! ngahahah~

[[[[[[aku kenal dia from sorang member.
mule2 xsuke.........even die ckp die suke aku pon... ak still xsuke jugaakkk...
org ckp die handsome..ak tgk x pon..mate sepet..ape la sgt... duhhhh~
haha..klu igt2 blk jadi funny.
contact2..sms2..lame2 tersuke..tersayang..tercinte..yg sepet tu la y paling suke skali..KATE KAU! hak3. =p
8bln lbh kitorg kwn...kawen always jd discussion topic. hahaha~
sape yg xnk end the relationship wif a marriage kan? aku pon nak.
tp xpernah terfikir untuk end my single life scpt ini.
bile nk kawen?? erm..biar la dlu..dh jadik betol2 br bising2 k.
kalu bising awal2..itu la ini la..bile xjd..pospone..xke malu..

aku sesungguhnya xsangka ade lelaki yg nk kawen ngn aku.
its not dat aku hodoh ke bodoh ke..but then..tah. only friends yg close to me je akn phm.
ive gone thru a lot of experience in love life.
ngn lelaki cina la..ngn lelaki pengecut la..mcm2.
yg penting..ak dh ready utk jd seorg isteri..KATE KAU!!
n nk jadi isteri die..xnk jd isteri org lain..KATE KAU!!
nt kat syurga..nk idup ngn die jugak. xmau org lain..KATE KAU!!
we have a lot of planning for the future. so for sure la ak kne hidup ngn die. br planning tu jd real. kan?? KATE KAU!! hahaha~
yg penting...SYG CINTA B..



korang jgn nyampah eh bace post ni. kalau nyampah, xpyh bukak blog aku! ahahahah~


Thursday, July 15, 2010


dlu..ak slalu dgr kwn2 ak tonsil bengkak la..tonsil bernanah la..smpi xg kelas..cm terukkk la sgt kan...oh! skunk br ak tehegeh2 mkn ubat..sbb TONSILLITIS. ak rase ni saket yg agk serius lepas bronchitis.erm..nk dkt setahun dh. alkisahnye cenggini...

ahad : rase seram sejuk tidak terhingga. xleh tido smpi pagi. badan sakit gile. bile batuk rase dada cm nk pecah....

isnin : aku redah jugak g kursus wlupon xlrt. bdn stil saket. dh mule demam. tp wt xtaw jek.haha. malam tu tekak ak belah kiri stat saket. telinga pon saket.

selasa : tekak saket lagi teruk. pipi ak cm nmpk bengkak sebelah jek. demam rse dh ok.mule2 xnk g klinik.malas. las2 g jugak. sbb dh xtahan. tonsillitis. dh teruk. kne infection bacteria. bdn saket2. demam 39.5 degree C. so doc bg antibiotik dos tgi sbb die kate yg biase xleh lut dh. [cuak ak mendgrnye..]

rabu, khamis : ak still saket.demam cm xde kesan jek ubat tu. klu xmkn ubt, demam dtg blk. ak rse sakit tu dari belah kiri dh merebak sampai kt tgh tekak. oh! ak takot...cmne ni??wuwuwuwu~

jdnye...mlm ni ak memberanikan diri tgk image kt google...wuwuwuwuwu~ taaaaakooooottnyeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~

haaaa...lihatla..ak dh takot. esok klu xbek jugak..ak nk g serang doktot tu!berani die bg ubat yg xbekesan kt aku.....dh la mahhai!hasil tanaman anggur aku abes dijual semata2 nk byr bil klinik.ngaaaaaaaaa~

setelah dikaji...simptom2 biase tonsil adelah :
-sakit tekak [sakit bile menelan]
-sakit kepala
-sakit dalam telinga atau leher
oh...kesemuanya aku alami. huhuhu~

sori klu post ni nmpk cm rubbish. sbb tonsillitis ni common kan. since ak 1st time kne..jdnye ak jakon telampau sket. ni blog aku.sukelah ak nk letak ape pon.hahahahaha~xdelah. info sket2 pasal ni so that bile korg saket2 dpt la taw awal2 kan sblm terlmbt...haa~

doakan aku cepat sehat ye.aminn...............

Thursday, June 24, 2010

untuk norlin sabuti!

bibit kannnn die bagi komen taw kt post baru yg semalam tu.
tp kan....xdpt bace! napeeeeeeeeeee?? mane komen itu???
bibiiiiiiiiit!! ak curious nehhhh! wuaaaaaaaaa~

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

betol ke? anda rase?

Tadi saya buat satu kuiz! kuiz mengenal diri..kata kau~haha~ saya dapat link die dari blog fatin zahura..credit to her!inilah resultnye..ngeee~

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Kind and Gentle

Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1st job offer~

hehe..remember i did mention about my 2nd interview kt IBM? after ak pass Aptitude test n 1st interview..
erm...im half way to get d job. mase interview tu.....mcm2 la disembangkan..
almost an hour dlm blik interview.
1st..interviewer, mr kenneth explain evrything bout d work.

1. boleh bg commitment 100% untuk kerja. means...sanggup bwt overtime sampai 12am..sanggup keje time weekend..n public holiday. mr kenneth tu ckp..die almost every weekend pon keje. n klu nk contact die..kol tgh2 mlm pon xpe. still available dat time. life n work cn never b balance.. gilos!!

2. die xnk amek staff yg keje br 4 bulan dh nk resign..nk yg tetap. cz IBM rugi la kan..anta training nk dekat sebulan..gaji pon jalan..tetiba br keje bape bulan dh nk benti..rugi itu. so die ckp..at least keje setahun dengan mereka. can u ever imagine..keje yg xde life ni utk setahun?? omg.. die ckp..sblm ni..byk yg resign. sbb gaji xsetimpal ngn keje. yela.cuti xde..overtime je keje..die ckp, 2500 mmg la byk. tp bile dh bwt keje nt..rse cm gaji patotnye 3500..so ak dh cuak disitu..betapa kejenye bapak banyak. die ckp, team yg handle USA..keje ikut time USA..kdg2 xbalik..esoknye br balik..sbb nk handle 300-400 request sehari. cuaaakkkss~

3. training sebulan..n then new staff akn ade mentor utk tgk keje2 staff baru ni. n kt IBM evrything gune sistem computer. so if ak key in salah sikit..entire master records dr awal smpi la ke billing part semuanya salah. every year akan ade assesment..if 3 tahun berturut2 keje ko cm hampeh..dats mean..get out from IBM..find another job.hhohoho~mmg la benda key in key in ni senang. kalau 1 request..pejammate leh wat. konpem xde salah. imagine at 1 time..ade 100requests. cmne?? agak2? huwaaa~

4. post ak adelah customer fulfilment professional which keje ni handle everything bout customer. keje ni xsame mcm customer service. inventory, master records sume akan di handle. if ak accept tis job..ak akn ade kt department master records n handle customers around ASEAN mcm thailand..philipines..singapore..indonesia..n jugak maybe taiwan, hongkong or china. so work time die xlari sgt.. nasi xdpt australi or nz..kene stat keje kol 630 pg smpi 330 ptg. huuu~

5. die tny..expected salary brape. dgn brani ak ckp..if i expected it to b around 2200 to t2500..is it ok? interviewer itu dgn muke selamba badak sumbu ckp..yes, sure.. 2200 is sure. i try to make it 2500 after ur 3rd interview.ohohohohoh~

6. 3rd interview ak akn berhadapan ngn big manager..die ckp sgt la garang. klu xreti jawab..or xde solid answer..mmg mati menderita dlm blik interview..so better b4 g 4th interview..ati dh tetap nk keje n bg 100% utk IBM. dats y die beriye2 tgu jawapan ak. huk3~sbb klu dh confirm..mmg ye lah tu. dpt lah kerja itu.huk3~

so..mule2 cm xnk je kan. sbb fikir keje die sgt laaaaa perlu commitment. tp bile pk gaji...ahhaaaiiiii~ xmampu nk tolak. ak mintak die sehari utk pk wether nk ke xnk job tu. tp ni dh masuk 5 hari. kaktam ckp..'ok fine la..if fikir gaji..mmg la kan..tp ko tahan ke? ak takot ko tu..keje 2 bulan dh nk benti. cne??" betol gak katenye. huk2~oh...........ak tulis kt blog ni sbb nk mintak pendapat kwn2 ak. hope korg leh tlg aku.huk2~

Thursday, June 17, 2010

kesweetan yg saye suke!

hehehe~ post isi mase lapang. tgh tgu sumone. bosan2.
kawan2 sy lately ni sweet2 belaka. [poyonye ayat!]mohahaha~
sy nk gtaw itu je. dorg sweet.sy suke. ngeeeeeeeeee~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


oh!..smlm dh 14hb jun 2010.. dh 4 bulan! hehehe~
baru 4 bulan...tp mcm2 dh kitorg hadapi...
oh! ari jumaat lepas..kete ak osak...die yg tlg setelkan sume.
bwk ak jumpe kakak ak, amek kad kredit..anta ak blk umah..
oh! dgn moto nye la..die ni mat moto..
oh! aku naek moto!!!!
oh! ak ade helmet sendiri!!
oh! ak meredah hujan ok!!
oh! kawan2 ak...jgn menjerit2 ye. [walhal zaza dh golek2 jerit dh smlm..sabar eh za..haha!]
hehehe~ ak dh xtakot naek moto.
infact..ak rindu nk naek moto lg.hehehe~
jem xpyh nk kecoh2..tol xpyh nk bayar..minyak 6rgt leh pusing merata.
6rgt??? aishhh...mmg jimat! sukeeeeeeeeeeeee...heheheh~
tapi....ak bersyukur ade die. bak kata zaza..'nasib ade laki.leh tlg jage..'
hehehe~ ye. maceah mohd nasir.hehe~
oh! tp bukan sbb tu je ak suke die..byk lg bende lain!hehehe~
oh! die dh jumpe kakak ak aka kaktam.
oh! kaktam ak suke die..[green light! yesh!ngehehe~]
erm..pape pon..kete ak tetap osak..rm1000 jugak kne byr.
deng! yuran konvo pon xleh nk bayar lg..
p perabeh duit kt savvy hijau aku tu...menyampah!
dan yg paling menyampah..interview ari sabtu telah burn.
btw, ak lulus aptitude test interview utk company IBM.
now waiting for next interview plak. esok! hopefully dapat..
wish me luck friends! hehehe~
oh! lagi satu an...laptop ak osak. ari yg same ngn kete osak.oh! malang sungguh...
jadinye xon9 laaaa..smlm ak cilok lappy kaktam....
jadinye on9 laaa..hehe..sembg2 ngn zaza kan!
zaza kan! tetibe kan! tetibe kan! die jd sweet taw! uuuuuuuuuuuu~~terharu!
die kan..ckp kan..DIE RINDU SAYA! hehehehehehe~
maceh kerana merindukan sy! hehehehehhehe~muah!

p/s : moral of d story..ak dh xtakot naek moto. hahahaha!! zazariah! sudah! berhenti jerit
I MISS my friends and ukm! oh..xsabar nk grad...
n...I LUV U MOHD NASIR. thanx for everything. 4BULAN YANG BERMAKNA. hehehe~
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