fave song at the moment~

Saturday, January 24, 2009

kEtid@kB0leh@n beRsU@r@..

tidur xckup absolutely merencat d flow of my hormone..cause me mouth defectiveness.haha!
tis sem, class starts at 8 almost everyday..except tuesday..itupn pukul 9 taw.
haihh...bile klas kol 8, ak smmgnye kne wake up at 530.paling lewat. lebih dari tu, mmg xsmpt smpi.
tidor plak lmbt. assignment yg bertimbun...soalan2 terjah datin ainon yg mmbuatkan ak bsengkang mata nk bace balik lecture notes yg lpas..lab report yg xsudah2..gertakan2 lecturer bout mid sem test..mmkse aku utk x boleh nk tidor awal. 19 unit seminggu mmg penat.
mata mmg bengkak la. ditkdirkan, dmm kura2 yg truk 2-3 hari lps, mata aku jd lg truk. batuk2, effect larynx ak. suare ttbe jd cm jantan pulak..
mcm2 yg jd dlm 1st 2-3 weeks ni. buat aku malaassss nk bckp bnde yg bkn2 n nk melayan kerenah sorg kwn aku yg mmg ak xlarat nk lyn pn. tah nape, dgn die ak xleh nk besuare. wlupun larynx ak sihat walafiat..mulut ak xleh nk bkak mcm mane tebukaknye mulut aku klu dgn org2 laen.
tah makin lame, ak tgk die skunk lg brubah. gedik ya rabbi la. makin2 laaa btmbah nye. dh pndai pki bj pendek atas punggung. pki tudung atas dada. not a normal thing for an ex 'tuut' student. ape yg aku tkut? "mia la yg aja die. sape lg.." i get d blame. which i actually not deserve.n tis is too complicated until i couldnt say anything. until i feel like juz to let it be. bwat la ape yg ko suke. ckp la ape yg ko nk. ak dh xlarat.bialah ape org nk pk.
ketidakbolehan bersuara sbnrnye bkn sbb org laen.its myself. ak smakin kurg bckp. maybe kwn2 baru aku xpasan bnda ni. actually guys, i talked a lot more..pok pek pok pek lagi byk2 dulu klu nk bnding pok pek pok pek skrg.haha..pok?pek? thats fatin's hamters' name..!haha..
wut happen to me?i dunno. maybe prubahan hormon kot. xpn, i hv matured..he..
but..masuk sem ni..i got a lil bit closer tu my coursemates since masing dh bwat majoring. ayrin..zaza..nisa..ijan..n raaaamai lg. br taw yg diorg mmg slumber je mcm ak sbnrnye. so now, lab practical xsesunyi dulu..skunk dh sgt bising dan kdg2 kelam kabut. like that chaos actually. at least xde la mcm dlu. i still remmber lab microbiology.lab genetics.yg sgt sunyi..masign2 ckp ngn lab partner sndiri je.masuk 2nd year..lab TDR, lab microbial genetics..it became a lil bit cheerful..skrg..xpyh ckp.haha!love seeing d progress of relationships.
haih..lately, love to talk bout friends. tah. ttbe je. and recently, rase nk sgt jmpe dgn org yg namenye arzieyanti. missing her. to my friends...luv u guys verrryyy much.
without friends, wut life is for..


Friday, January 9, 2009

bRainN dIsrUptI0n..lAck 0F idEa..

haha..lotz of things happened to me lately..
until my brain juz cant work well..ngee~~
impuls lmbat smpi..maybe neurons aku xbfungsi dgn lncar..
ape yg aku merepek ni. sbnrnye nk ckp..
ak xde idea langsung nk tulis blog skunk.
seriously, not updating my blog is not becoz im busy since new sem dh start..
tp mmg xde idea nk post ape2.last nite, ive been in front of my laptop 4 2 hours..
perah otak..cari motif..n i created 4-5 title..tp xde isi.haha..
mcm bwat essay plak.
i dunno..lately, ati rase xsedap. bwat ape pn xkena. otak rase jammed. tido pn xlena. selera? uish..yg tu xde mslh.ahaha..
gonna rest tis weekend. nk tngkan fikiran..jiwa..haha.looks like everything dh setel..
tggl nk g kelas, bwat test, bwat quiz..for another 6 months. so, nk kne kmpul strength cukup2.
i read one of my friend's post. about missing her friends..i miss my friends too. suddenly, 2-3 ari lepas..trgt sgt kwn2 kt skul dlu. kwn2 yg dh laaaame ak xjmpe. dr drjah 1 smpi f5, ive been studying in 5 schools. terbyg muke kwn2 aku. eventhough i juz spent a week kt sultanah asma..muka2 kwn2 aku still bleh igt. kwn2 badlishah lg la ak igt. haizz..hope dpt jumpe semua kwn2 aku.
tgk. merepek2, pnjg plak post aku. sori guys. tis is a crass post.wut ever it is, thanx for reading.hahahaha...c ya!

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