Wednesday, October 27, 2010
and ak tengah pikir ni. EH!nape ak xpost bende ni?????maybe sbb ak xkawen lg ngn die. jdnye ak agak malu nk post kt blog. hahaha~~ dahla ak xbeli present pape pon kat die mase bday die ritu. hahahah~[gelak jaat!]
oklah. WALAUPUN BENDE NI DAH je la kan. =p ADE AKU KESAH KO SUKE KE X?! ngahahah~
[[[[[[aku kenal dia from sorang member.
mule2 xsuke.........even die ckp die suke aku pon... ak still xsuke jugaakkk...
org ckp die handsome..ak tgk x pon..mate sepet..ape la sgt... duhhhh~
haha..klu igt2 blk jadi funny.
contact2..sms2..lame2 tersuke..tersayang..tercinte..yg sepet tu la y paling suke skali..KATE KAU! hak3. =p
8bln lbh kitorg kwn...kawen always jd discussion topic. hahaha~
sape yg xnk end the relationship wif a marriage kan? aku pon nak.
tp xpernah terfikir untuk end my single life scpt ini.
bile nk kawen?? erm..biar la dlu..dh jadik betol2 br bising2 k.
kalu bising awal2..itu la ini la..bile xjd..pospone..xke malu..
aku sesungguhnya xsangka ade lelaki yg nk kawen ngn aku.
its not dat aku hodoh ke bodoh ke..but then..tah. only friends yg close to me je akn phm.
ive gone thru a lot of experience in love life.
ngn lelaki cina la..ngn lelaki pengecut la..mcm2.
yg penting..ak dh ready utk jd seorg isteri..KATE KAU!!
n nk jadi isteri die..xnk jd isteri org lain..KATE KAU!!
nt kat syurga..nk idup ngn die jugak. xmau org lain..KATE KAU!!
we have a lot of planning for the future. so for sure la ak kne hidup ngn die. br planning tu jd real. kan?? KATE KAU!! hahaha~
yg penting...SYG CINTA B..
korang jgn nyampah eh bace post ni. kalau nyampah, xpyh bukak blog aku! ahahahah~
Thursday, July 15, 2010
ahad : rase seram sejuk tidak terhingga. xleh tido smpi pagi. badan sakit gile. bile batuk rase dada cm nk pecah....
isnin : aku redah jugak g kursus wlupon xlrt. bdn stil saket. dh mule demam. tp wt xtaw jek.haha. malam tu tekak ak belah kiri stat saket. telinga pon saket.
selasa : tekak saket lagi teruk. pipi ak cm nmpk bengkak sebelah jek. demam rse dh ok.mule2 xnk g klinik.malas. las2 g jugak. sbb dh xtahan. tonsillitis. dh teruk. kne infection bacteria. bdn saket2. demam 39.5 degree C. so doc bg antibiotik dos tgi sbb die kate yg biase xleh lut dh. [cuak ak mendgrnye..]
rabu, khamis : ak still saket.demam cm xde kesan jek ubat tu. klu xmkn ubt, demam dtg blk. ak rse sakit tu dari belah kiri dh merebak sampai kt tgh tekak. oh! ak takot...cmne ni??wuwuwuwu~
jdnye...mlm ni ak memberanikan diri tgk image kt google...wuwuwuwuwu~ taaaaakooooottnyeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~

setelah dikaji...simptom2 biase tonsil adelah :
-sakit tekak [sakit bile menelan]
-sakit kepala
-sakit dalam telinga atau leher
oh...kesemuanya aku alami. huhuhu~
sori klu post ni nmpk cm rubbish. sbb tonsillitis ni common kan. since ak 1st time kne..jdnye ak jakon telampau sket. ni blog aku.sukelah ak nk letak ape pon.hahahahaha~xdelah. info sket2 pasal ni so that bile korg saket2 dpt la taw awal2 kan sblm terlmbt...haa~
doakan aku cepat sehat ye.aminn...............
Thursday, June 24, 2010
untuk norlin sabuti!
tp kan....xdpt bace! napeeeeeeeeeee?? mane komen itu???
bibiiiiiiiiit!! ak curious nehhhh! wuaaaaaaaaa~
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
betol ke? anda rase?
Tadi saya buat satu kuiz! kuiz mengenal diri..kata kau~haha~ saya dapat link die dari blog fatin to her!inilah resultnye..ngeee~
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.Kind and Gentle
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.HEHEHEHE~
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
1st job offer~ half way to get d job. mase interview tu.....mcm2 la disembangkan..
almost an hour dlm blik interview.
1st..interviewer, mr kenneth explain evrything bout d work.
1. boleh bg commitment 100% untuk kerja. means...sanggup bwt overtime sampai 12am..sanggup keje time weekend..n public holiday. mr kenneth tu ckp..die almost every weekend pon keje. n klu nk contact die..kol tgh2 mlm pon xpe. still available dat time. life n work cn never b balance.. gilos!!
2. die xnk amek staff yg keje br 4 bulan dh nk resign..nk yg tetap. cz IBM rugi la kan..anta training nk dekat sebulan..gaji pon jalan..tetiba br keje bape bulan dh nk benti..rugi itu. so die least keje setahun dengan mereka. can u ever imagine..keje yg xde life ni utk setahun?? omg.. die ckp..sblm ni..byk yg resign. sbb gaji xsetimpal ngn keje. yela.cuti xde..overtime je keje..die ckp, 2500 mmg la byk. tp bile dh bwt keje nt..rse cm gaji patotnye ak dh cuak disitu..betapa kejenye bapak banyak. die ckp, team yg handle USA..keje ikut time USA..kdg2 xbalik..esoknye br balik..sbb nk handle 300-400 request sehari. cuaaakkkss~
3. training sebulan..n then new staff akn ade mentor utk tgk keje2 staff baru ni. n kt IBM evrything gune sistem computer. so if ak key in salah sikit..entire master records dr awal smpi la ke billing part semuanya salah. every year akan ade assesment..if 3 tahun berturut2 keje ko cm hampeh..dats mean..get out from IBM..find another job.hhohoho~mmg la benda key in key in ni senang. kalau 1 request..pejammate leh wat. konpem xde salah. imagine at 1 time..ade 100requests. cmne?? agak2? huwaaa~
4. post ak adelah customer fulfilment professional which keje ni handle everything bout customer. keje ni xsame mcm customer service. inventory, master records sume akan di handle. if ak accept tis job..ak akn ade kt department master records n handle customers around ASEAN mcm thailand..philipines..singapore..indonesia..n jugak maybe taiwan, hongkong or china. so work time die xlari sgt.. nasi xdpt australi or nz..kene stat keje kol 630 pg smpi 330 ptg. huuu~
5. die tny..expected salary brape. dgn brani ak ckp..if i expected it to b around 2200 to it ok? interviewer itu dgn muke selamba badak sumbu ckp..yes, sure.. 2200 is sure. i try to make it 2500 after ur 3rd interview.ohohohohoh~
6. 3rd interview ak akn berhadapan ngn big manager..die ckp sgt la garang. klu xreti jawab..or xde solid answer..mmg mati menderita dlm blik better b4 g 4th interview..ati dh tetap nk keje n bg 100% utk IBM. dats y die beriye2 tgu jawapan ak. huk3~sbb klu dh confirm..mmg ye lah tu. dpt lah kerja itu.huk3~
so..mule2 cm xnk je kan. sbb fikir keje die sgt laaaaa perlu commitment. tp bile pk gaji...ahhaaaiiiii~ xmampu nk tolak. ak mintak die sehari utk pk wether nk ke xnk job tu. tp ni dh masuk 5 hari. kaktam ckp..'ok fine la..if fikir gaji..mmg la ko tahan ke? ak takot ko tu..keje 2 bulan dh nk benti. cne??" betol gak katenye. huk2~oh...........ak tulis kt blog ni sbb nk mintak pendapat kwn2 ak. hope korg leh tlg aku.huk2~
Thursday, June 17, 2010
kesweetan yg saye suke!
kawan2 sy lately ni sweet2 belaka. [poyonye ayat!]mohahaha~
sy nk gtaw itu je. dorg suke. ngeeeeeeeeee~
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
baru 4 mcm2 dh kitorg hadapi...
oh! ari jumaat lepas..kete ak osak...die yg tlg setelkan sume.
bwk ak jumpe kakak ak, amek kad kredit..anta ak blk umah..
oh! dgn moto nye la..die ni mat moto..
oh! aku naek moto!!!!
oh! ak ade helmet sendiri!!
oh! ak meredah hujan ok!!
oh! kawan2 ak...jgn menjerit2 ye. [walhal zaza dh golek2 jerit dh smlm..sabar eh za..haha!]
hehehe~ ak dh xtakot naek moto.
infact..ak rindu nk naek moto lg.hehehe~
jem xpyh nk kecoh2..tol xpyh nk bayar..minyak 6rgt leh pusing merata.
6rgt??? aishhh...mmg jimat! sukeeeeeeeeeeeee...heheheh~
tapi....ak bersyukur ade die. bak kata zaza..'nasib ade laki.leh tlg jage..'
hehehe~ ye. maceah mohd nasir.hehe~
oh! tp bukan sbb tu je ak suke die..byk lg bende lain!hehehe~
oh! die dh jumpe kakak ak aka kaktam.
oh! kaktam ak suke die..[green light! yesh!ngehehe~]
erm..pape pon..kete ak tetap osak..rm1000 jugak kne byr.
deng! yuran konvo pon xleh nk bayar lg..
p perabeh duit kt savvy hijau aku tu...menyampah!
dan yg paling menyampah..interview ari sabtu telah burn.
btw, ak lulus aptitude test interview utk company IBM.
now waiting for next interview plak. esok! hopefully dapat..
wish me luck friends! hehehe~
oh! lagi satu an...laptop ak osak. ari yg same ngn kete osak.oh! malang sungguh...
jadinye xon9 laaaa..smlm ak cilok lappy kaktam....
jadinye on9 laaa..hehe..sembg2 ngn zaza kan!
zaza kan! tetibe kan! tetibe kan! die jd sweet taw! uuuuuuuuuuuu~~terharu!
die kan..ckp kan..DIE RINDU SAYA! hehehehehehe~
maceh kerana merindukan sy! hehehehehhehe~muah!
p/s : moral of d story..ak dh xtakot naek moto. hahahaha!! zazariah! sudah! berhenti jerit
I MISS my friends and ukm! oh..xsabar nk grad...
n...I LUV U MOHD NASIR. thanx for everything. 4BULAN YANG BERMAKNA. hehehe~
Thursday, June 3, 2010
sick of tis kinda life..~
aku dah xtahan hidup mcm ni.
xde arah tujuan...
hidup xde bnde nk buat..
jauh dr sume org..
parents..friends..and him.
urghhh..tis life is suck with NOTHING to do..
internet pulak xlame lg mmg xleh nk gune dah.
xdpt on9. uhuhuhuhuhuhu~wuaaaaaaaaaaa~
ya Allah..tolong la aku..mmg buntu sgt2 ni.
duet pon xde..keje pon xde..ape pon xbuat..
i need a change!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
whats next?
duduk umah satu hari xkua2. mkn megi. bukak utube.
duduk je atas sofa..sampai pinggang cramp!
after almost a wif assignments..thesis..n finals.
well, after all................i finally end my degree..
tggu ari nk konvo je. insyaAllah..
ari ni..byk sgt pk what to do next.
kaktam dah bebel2..soh cr keje cepat2..
tp aku cm nk relax2 lepak2 dlu..
tp klu relax..klu lepak..duit nk dpt mane?????
xbes la life xde duit.hehehe~
nk kawen la. boleh?? hahah!
ade ke org nk kawen ngn aku?
ape2 pon..setelah 3 tahun masuk kua lecture hall..exam hall..
ulang alik sg buloh-bangi...
ini lah die. doakan aku.
hope dpt keje yg aku suke..gaji pon leh tahan..
bukan nk keje pon kne la yg suke jugak.
klu x nt keje xikhlas..haaa~
yg penting..ak nk doakan ak n die.
smoga die dpt keje jugak. cpt kawen.
ngaaaaaaa~ civic eh? hahahah!
till then! papai~~
p/s : PA remy ishak? maya karin? sape nak? hahahah~

Thursday, May 6, 2010
confession 2
it was actually sweet to remember.
tp akhir2 ni..xsangka yg sweet2 tu dh jadi pahit.
to be honest...sitting in d library for d whole day since 3weeks past is bcz..
im running away.
tah la. kt lib ak fikir keje je. bwt keje...xde hati pon nk pk pasal hal lain.
sbb bile pk hal lain2..kepala jadi serabut..
fikirkan dlm 3 tahun ni..ade x org prasan kehadiran ak?
did i change sumtin?
ape yg ak dh bwt utk org..
kehendak org ak tunaikan..
xpe. ak susah skit.xkesah. kua duit skit.pon xkesah.
xpenah aku ungkit sume2 tu. utk kwn2 ke..
klu ade pape konflik..ak yg mengalah. ak yg akn senyap. kne mrh pon senyap je la.
kne sentap pon senyap jela. ak nk sentap memikirkan ak syg org2 sekeliling ak..
xnk hati dorg sakit cm ape yg aku
adekah ak dihargai?
disentap oleg org yg ak jarang2 nk yg ak care. yg ak syg.
disingkirkan. klu dlu ak rpt ngn die. tp skunk jmpe cm kekok. pdhal ak nk sgt ngn die cm dlu2..
jujurnye..skrg ni ak rse xdihargai. fullstop.
xbaik kan fikir keadaan memaksa ak fikir mcm tu.
jd..duduk lib kurg berfikir sgt.
pecayelah. ak xlupe kwn2 ak.
brape kali ak nk state..ak syg kwn2 ak lebih dr ak syg diri ak sndri...
sbb tu..klu kwn2 ak sakitkan ati ak..ak sedih, kecewa..
ak jage hati kwn2 ak lebih dr hati ak sndri.
bia ak xdpt ape yg ak nk..jnji ak dpt bg ape yg dorg nk..
itu aku.
siyes skunk ak sgt2 kecewa.
klu ak bleh jage ati kwn2 ak..nape kwn2 ak xleh nk bwt bnde yg same kt aku??????
utk kwn2..
ak tulis ni sambil nangis.
aku jauh dr korg..bukan sbb ak xigt korg.
ak rindu nk hang out ngn korg..
tp demi menjage hati aku sndr yg xde sape kisah nk jage..
ak menjauhkan diri sekejap.
yep. ak semakin dilupakan. as usual. ak redha..
bekepit dgn bf..
'mia skunk..susah betol nk jumpe..asik bekepit je ngn bf die. kemaruk ke hape?'
ak xbwt maksiat ok.
bg sesape yg igt ak bwt maksiat..nmpknye org tu silap.
doakan yg baek2. pk kan yg baek2. bukan doa yg buruk2.
tu je yg ak hrpkan.
klu ak doakan korg yg buruk2, korg nk? xnk do i.
bwt mase ni..bia la ak ngn die je. klu la ade org yg phm..
tp cm xde je yg phm..
ORG kate..bile ak susah..klu gado ke ngn bf ak..ak akn blk kt kwn2 tu bukan tentu2 suami aku. see...doa yg xbaek lg. doakan la semoga die jadi suami kau...xleh ke cmtu???pelik!
blk ke? ak sentiasa ngn kwn2 ak..nk blk mane lg??
xnmpk pn ak hang out ngn kwn2 ak..
x. xnmpk ngn mate kasar. kwn2 ak sume kt dlm ati aku.
klu dgr dorg susah..ak risau. klu dorg msg..ade mslh..ak dgr. ak risau bile kwn2 ak ade mslh..
zaza - ak mintak maaf sgt2 kt ko..ko yg paling ak bwt slh byk sgt. ak xlupe ko za. kite byk kite bleh baik blk lpas tu..ak suke lepak ngn ko..dgr mslh ko..ko ak dh anggap cm adik aku dh.. tp tu la. ak tataw cmne kite leh cmni. ak cube paham keadaan.brusaha nk cm xbleh. maybe sbb ko pon xnk. jdnye ak give up at the end. ak syg ko za. ak betol2 xtaw cmne nk bwt kite jd cm dlu..klu ko de mslh..cter la ngn ak..klu ko ade kwn laen yg ko lebih slesa nk cter..xpela..ak nk ko taw..ak xpenah lupe ko. smpi bile2.insyaAllah..thanx utk everything, za..
ijan, nisa, ayrin - korg 4 org. my saviour. lpas ak gado ngn bella..korg sanggup kwn ngn ak..ak xsorg2..korg salu sokong ak.kwn ngn korg smpi pointer ak naek..3pointer tu sbnrnye berkat kwn ngn korg..thanx sgt2. ijan..byk dgr mslh ak.hg dh mcm kakak sgt..bile ak nanges..hg yg ak cari..nisa..pon cmtu jugak. ayrin..ko mule2 ak rpt antara korg sume.susah senang kite same2.. walau cmne pon kite lepas ni..korg yg paling ak xleh nk lupe.
mcik farhana sumiran - mcik jauh ngn ble mcik de mslh..cter ngn mcik..mcik ade je kt sini..mcik syg mcik sgt2..xsgka leh rpt ngn ngn mcik n laen2..mmg sweet. mcik happy kwn ngn korg..
norlin sabuti - rindu jerit2 di blik korg..ko kwn plg bes nk ajk jalan..xpenah xnk. ak ajk je mesti nk. rindu cmtu..huhu~jd driver ak kdg2 an..thanx jugak.hehe~
bihah - kite dh lame xsembg kan? tp..ak rindu ko. jerit2 kt blik ko jugak. tido ats katil ko. ak tataw np..asl katil ko je..sti ak rse nk tido..thanx jugak..mase kete ak rosak..ak tumpang tido blik ko..ak pnjm duit ko kdg2..lupe nk bg blk...sorry utk itu.hilangkan pendrive ko.sorry jgk..
ke3-3 ni..thanx sbb salu teman ak g kelas titas...xbg ak bosan sorg2..pegi pasa same2..rindu time2 cmtu..sorry n thanx for everything. syg korg sgt2. ak ak xpenah lupe korg..
mekti, mizah, tiqah - thanx n sorry for everything..klu ak gurau terkasar sket..bwt korg sentap..terasa..ak mintak maaf..kdg2 ak ni overrrr sket..hehehe~ hope dpt jumpe korg lg lpas ni..
mazlan md nor - thanx spnjg bwt tesis ni..susah sng same2..klu xde ko..ak xtaw tesis ak cmne..xtaw k p umah hewan sorg2 cmne..ko kwn laki ak yg paling rpt. best ngn ko..n ko care sgt..ko jugak yg temukan ak ngn nasir..thanx jugak. teman ak jalan2. klu ak jiwa kacau..ko yg salu teman ak..mkn cendol la..ngn zaza..itu ak xkn lupekan.sorry n thanx jugak utk sume2 ni selame setahun kite kwn..klu ak ade bwt salah ngn ko..ak mintak maaf sgt2. kdg2 ak manusia..ko kenal ak cmne..sorry again.b happy ngn bibit k. ak doakan korg bahagia..
kwn2 yg lain..biochemist..yg penah bekerja dgn ak mase pengurusan seni dlu..thanx. halalkan segala yg korg dh bg..n sorry..klu ak de salah ngn korg..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
my bad~
1. im bad in making decision.
KMK couldnt help. i juz sucks in tis kinda thing. i dunno which one is the right decision. never get to think which is d best. i manage myself. since ive been studying here..i made decision for myself. any consequeces..i'll take it by myself too. i truly say...making d right decision is juz my weakness. n d best part is..i juz realized bout it. some one i really in love wit..made me think of it.huhu~sorry..
2. im bad in expressing wat im thoughts.
hell yeah. tis one. kills me. i sometimes express my thoughts in a wrong way..dunno how to make a right sentence. to put words juz exactly as wut i think.its hardddddd~seriously. n ya..people do misunderstood my words. kdg2 boleh bwt gaduh ok. i hate it. sorry again.
3. im too care. care for people i love.
my biggest weakness. people too kind. too nice. d thing is..i couldnt resist people's wishes..n i keep on thinking of their reaction if i did burden em. penat ke x..ok ke x..kecik hati ke x..i sometimes think of sumtin dat doesnt happen pun. padahal org lain ok je. ak je yg byk fikir. sorry..
4. tend to create conflicts.
i dun like conflict.hate it. it spoils my mood everytime it happens. but i tend to create dat kind of situation. i dunno y. i jz couldnt explain more bout tis. i jz dun understand myself bout tis kinda thing. b, if its always happen..n im d one who always created sorry..its out of my mind. sorry..
there's alot more. people says.. each person has got their own good n their own bad. use d good in a right way..n change the bad to be not so bad. hehehe~ but its juz me. mia mmg cm ni.
"our strength grows out of our weaknesses. "

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
tak fahammm~
padahal bile difikirkan, benda tu tak salah pon...
kenape la...susah sgt nk puaskan ati org???
sebab ak dh xlarat asyik puaskan ati org..ati sndri xpuas2..
kenapa la org susah sgt nk faham aku???
padahal ak cukup menjaga n try nk memahami setiap org yg ade kt skeliling aku..
bukan nk harapkan sblm menghukum aku...fikirla ape yg aku dh bwt..
fullstop. lupekan! weeeeeeeeeeee~~~~
aku bz dan akan bz smpi 26hb ni.
bz lebih dr cosmate2 yg laen. i got extra 3 papers.
14,19,20,21,22 and 26! bederet2...xtaw nk study cmne dah..
kwn2..sorry klu dlm time2 cmni..xdpt nk spend time ngn korg sgt..
ive been sitting n studying like hell in d library smpi malam.
lpas exam.........kite lepak same2 eh~~~
luv u guys! muahhh!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
running out of time~
byk lg sbnrnye. 20/30 page. banyaaaaaaaak...
nak cari journal..gune scholar mmg la hampeh..
portal journal xleh nk bukak plak. dari smlm aku cube.
ok2.dah! back to work!
p/s : ak share one pic ok. erythrocytes infected wif malaria parasites. tis is wat ive been studying all this while..ohh...


Thursday, April 1, 2010
a flashback
how my life changed..
how im afraid to lose..
scared of losing everything that i hv rite now.
im staying up. never got a chance to sleep tightly.
at tis kinda time..
wif d help of solat sunat..
i sit back. hoping for a calmness of mind..
forgetting d thesis..n flashing back.
comparing...n dreaming for d future..
my tears fell down tis evening..
watching d word Allah in front of me..
yup. i cried a lot. lately.
thanx Allah. for granted me everything.
health..and happiness..
and nikmat..ujian..
coz it made me stonger. to face d world.
for giving me family.. and friends..
and d one..mohd nasir salleh..
who love me d way i am..
those people might be tired seeing me crying.
sorry and thanx. for me..i need to cry. let it out. and move on.
dats d way people. dats how i make myself strong.
take note amira amran.
but..whatever it is. redha is d best way makcik! hehe~
ade hikmah disebalik semua kejadian...
ok! back to thesis thingy!
gudnyte folks!
luv ya!
p/s : kantoi solat asar lame sgt..hehe~

Monday, March 15, 2010
kesal dgn pihak yang ambik cara mudah..melepaskan sesuatu sewenang2nye without berfikir the consequences to others around em.
ape yang salah..dibetolkan. insyaAllah takkan berulang in future.
manusia biasa selalu melakukan kesilapan. tegurlah jika tiada kesedaran..tapi cara peneguran biarlah betol..
lagi sekali..aku redha.
jangan tegur disana sini..akhirnye memakan diri sendiri..
thanx..thanx so much!
lets think positive!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

sedar x sedar...lagi bbrp bulan je..kitorang semua akan tgglkan UKM..
mule sebok2 nak pk wats next..
keje ke..sambung masters ke..kawen ke..ehem ehem..hahha!
ye. we r graduating around august 2010. INSYAALLAH..
segala penat lelah..susah senang..kami berjaya hadapi kesusahan dan keperitan serta penderitaan bile jadi student biokimia. kepala boleh pecah menghafal segala cycles n pathways.
ape yg penting..ak happy ngn korg semua..every moments..manis ke pahit ke..i will remember each of that.
eager n excited to hold a degree..but at d same time sedih sbb separate..
but anyway..ape2 d best in future guys!
tis is a lil poem untuk korg....:
Our lives will be different and new
Our goals and dreams to pursue.
As we go our separate ways
The friends we’ve made in school will be
Our friends for all our days.
These bonds will never be broken
We’ll continue to feel that special bond
Though words may not be spoken.
MIB 09'

malam bbq dengan ketiadaan aku.huk3..

wish best of luck! may the world embrace you.excite you. strengthen you in everything you do.
my love wil always b wif u guys.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
not only to listen. but to really go through all d words in it.
the fray
never say never
Some things we don't talk about
rather do without just hold a smile
falling in and out of love
ashamed and proud of together all the while
you can never say never
why we don't know when
time and time again
younger now then we were before
don't let me go [6x]
picture, you're the queen of everything
far as the eye can see under your command
i will be your guardian when all is crumbling
i'll steady your hand
you can never say never
why we don't know when
time time and time again
younger now then we were before
don't let me go [6x]
we're falling apart and coming together
again and again
we're crawling apart but we pull it together
pull it together, together again
don't let me go [6x]
don't let me go [6x]
i knew this song. already. never knew it might be so meaningful. might be remembered.
for how long? maybe forever.
to start a new thing. is never get to be easy. but. i trust what my heart said. and i chose to make it start. finally.
im taking a risk. giving a chance for myself and that someone. im looking forward. . hoping for no history repetition in future. . only you, me and HIM know how hard it is.
DEAR SOMEONE (you know who),
even its just started.
lets make this 'new thing' last forever.
may Allah bless us.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
asyik lupa!
a personal assistant!
asyik lupe je sume bende..........ape neh?!
need sumone yg igtkan n managekan sume bende.
keterlupaan aku ni sgt terukkkkkk~~~
benci! benci! benci!
sape yg sanggup ni....sape...manage me for FREE. boleh??

Monday, February 15, 2010
thank you
To my beloved friends...
Thank you
for believing in me when I found it difficult to believe in myself...
for saying what I've needed to hear sometimes, instead of what I've wanted to hear....
for siding with me....
and for giving me another side to consider.
Thank you
for opening yourself up to me....
for trusting me with your thoughts and disappointments and dreams....
for knowing you can depend on me and for asking my help when you've needed it.
Thank you
for putting so much thought and care and imagination into our friendship...
for sharing so many nice times and making so many special memories with me.
Thank you
for always being honest with me...
being kind to me...
being there for me.
Thank you for being a friend to me in so many meaningful ways.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
ak dh ckp ape yg terbuku dlm ati aku.
thanx sbb memahami...
mlm td tido nyenyak. wlupon lambat. kol 5 br tido.
i hv to make another confession to sumone else~
tis one is harder.
i hope tis is d right decision.
n i hope everyone understands it.
wish me luck!

Friday, February 12, 2010
agen menjodohkan orang!
mission ape yg aku katekan neh??? mission menyatukan org la!!! sasaran ke3 aku ade lahhhhhh NORLIN SABUTI (bibit) dan MAZLAN MD NOR ( lann).hahahahahahhahah! trg2an aku tulis! amek korg! korg dh bg kebenaran..ak xlepaskan peluang laaa~mission dijalankan secare senyap pada mule2nye la. n lame2...reveal sket..sket...ngahahahah! aku suke..aku suke...bibit ni konpem blushing bile bace nehhh..hahhaha! jgn la maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! hahahah!
so dorg 2 org yg terbaru ni..very close ngn aku. lann labmate aku. ak ape masalah pon cter die. so aku paham la sket2 lann ni..nk setahun da kot bwt lam worries bibit. haha. bibit plak secara xsedar mmg rapat la ngn aku.dr love die jugak aku ni sbnrnye.disamping macik.haha! jnji ak syg dorg 2 org...hahahha!ak syg sume la! sume kwn2 aku!heheheh~
so ape methodologi aku..itu sulit beb..klu x, nt ak dh xjd agen yg berjaye dh la..rahsia2 tips2 ak korg dh amek..nt korg caras aku!ngehehehe~ janji skrg..LOVE IS IN D AIR.bwek3!!! ha! blushing 2-2 org!blushing! haha! korg taw x? korg konpem xtaw. aku happy giler dowwwwwww! mlm smlm ak ngn farhana sumiran ( macik) akak rum8 bibit tergelak golek2 bersame2. kat ym plak tuh. melihatkan dan membace gelagat2 mereka2 ber2.xbleh blahhhhh~~~=))
dorg dh lame susahnye kan? dh kenal..dh rapat..lg sng nk sangkot! haha! yg lann ni xpenah becinte.. jadinye die memerlukan dr love! sape? hahaah~konpom la akuuuuuuuuuuu..bluweeeekkkk!! tlg mane patot je eh..korg yg len2 ni pon klu nk nasihat aku..bleh je ON CINTA ke 32567. hahahahhaha~ so harap2 mission ni berjaye ah! nmpk cm dh berjaye jek.ngeh3~~ jgn rush2..drastik2..rilek2 suda..ati pmpuan ni..die xbleh tips ke 412 volume 3.hhahaha~
aku? tu la ak nk ckp. bes bwt keje ni. bile skrg ak tgk 2 kapel yg dh ak tolong dlu tu still loving2 lg..nk nanges terharu pon ade. even smpi skrg dorg contact aku lg..sbb ak suke tlg kwn! n tgk kwn2 yg aku sayang happy..ak xsuke tgk kwn2 ak kecewa..sbb ak taw sgt phm sgt perasaan dorg.
mcm2 dh aku lalui. jadinye..bile ak nk melancarkan misi...kne berhati2! tp bile bwt bnde ni..ak akn mndgr suare2 laen...konpon tny. "asyik jodohkan org je..pikir diri sendiri jugak mia.." haha! ak xpenah ade luck in love life. jadinye..ak xnk la susah2 nk pikir pasal aku. jnji kwn2 aku happy dh cukop dh. xpyh pikir pon xpe aku rase. nnt jodoh tu dtg sendiri la. ak malas nk cari. sesungguhnye ak dh penat. ak nk rehat. hehehe~
so...lan n bibit. gudluck k! ak dh bagi jalan tu...jalan la elok2 k. semoge berkekalan..ak taw xde pape lg antara korg..slow2 kan hal leh pakse2 kan?! sori ek tertype name korg trg2..xleh nk backspace dh. keyboard aku ade yg rosak2.hahahah!
untuk korg2 yg nk khidmat aku...boleh2.gtaw je. ak skunk dh ade pembantu..puan farhana sumiran. jadinye keje aku akn lebih smooth n steady je lepas ni.xpyh bayaran. cz happiness korg tu la bayaran utk aku.poyooooooooooooooooooooo!hahahhaha!

till then folks!

Monday, February 8, 2010
tidbit for mind
This story tells us sumthin bout Love n Life......
My husband is S/W Engineer by profession, I love him for his steady nature and I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders.
Two years of courtship and now, five years into marriage, I would have to admit, that I am getting tired of it. The reasons of me loving him before, has now transformed into the cause of all my restlessness.
I am a sentimental woman and extremely sensitive when it comes to a relationship and my feelings. I yearn for the romantic moments, like a little girl yearning for candy. My husband is my complete opposite, his lack of sensitivity, and the inability of bringing romantic moments into our marriage has disheartened me about LOVE.
One day, I finally decided to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce.
" Why? " he asked, shocked.
" I am tired. There are no reasons for everything in the world !" I answered.
He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep thought. My feeling of disappointment only increased. Here was a man who was not able to even express his predicament, so what else could I expect from him?
And finally he asked me: " What can I do to change your mind? "
Somebody said it right... It's hard to change a person's personality, and I guess, I have started losing faith in him.
Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered: "Here is the question. If you can answer and convince my heart, I will change my mind.
Let's say, I want a flower located on the face of a mountain cliff, and we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your death. Will you do it for me? "
He said: " I will give you your answer tomorrow.. .." My hopes just sank by listening to his response.
I woke up the next morning to find him gone, and saw a piece of paper with his scratchy andwriting underneath a milk glass, on the dining table near the front door, that goes....
"My dear, I would not pick that flower for you , but ....please allow me to explain the reasons further....."
This first line was already breaking my heart. I continued reading.
"When you use the computer you always mess up the Software programs, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the programs."
"You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my legs to rush home to open the door for you."
"You love traveling but always lose your way in a new city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way."
"You always have the cramps whenever your " good friend " approaches every month. I have to save my palms so that I can calm the cramps in your tummy."
"You like to stay indoors, and I worry that you will be infected by infantile autism. I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories to cure your boredom."
"You always stare at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes so that when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those annoying white hairs. So I can also hold your hand while strolling down the beach, as you enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful sand...and tell you the colour of flowers, just like the colour of the glow on your young face..."
"Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do ... I could not pick that flower yet, and die ...
" My tears fell on the letter, and blurred the ink of his handwriting... And as I continue on reading... "Now, that you have finished reading my answer, and if you are satisfied, please open the front door for I am standing outside bringing your favorite bread and fresh milk...
I rushed to pull open the door, and saw his anxious face, clutching tightly with his hands, the milk bottle and loaf of bread....Now I am very sure that no one will ever love me as much as he does, and I have decided to leave the flower alone..

so..wat do u think??!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
storynye cmni...since smlm mmg dh tdo b4 tdo tu..bwt la solat ape yg ptot..heheheheheh~ ttbe jek ni mia??! haha! saje je... klu korg bc post2 ak yg dlu..idop ak mane penah aman..ngeh3.. jdnye..mne lg tpt ak nk ngadu kan klu bukan DIA..
ak pon pegila dpt satu mimpi.....yg ak maseh igt2 lg smpi skunk. bgn tido..slalunye ting tong. tp pg ni..otak ak kne bekerja kuat awal pg sket. ak still menganalyze lg mimpi tu...aku dapat PETUNJUK? ke mainan syaitan je? need sumone to interprete la. klu ak yg pk sndri... kang ak maen lupe jek. .
jadinye ak ni gigih lerrr menggoogle sane sini..nk cari maksod mimpi neh. terjumpe la aku ngn satu BLOG neh......[klik klu nk buke..] ade nk dekat 900 rahsia mimpi kt cm xjumpe je mimpi yg cm aku neh! tp tafsiran mimpi dlm blog ni mmg meletop la. nk tegelak pon ade. jd ak cm xbape la nk caye boleh je klu nk gune as informations ttp kecewa..gugugu~sigh~~ sob3.
ak hrp itu satu petunjuk dari tuhan. so korg pon bleh guess kan..
mimpi aku konpom sumtin yg best. hahaha~ ape pon..ak xpenah trg2t mimpi ak smpi dh bgn tido,makan,mandi pon masih nk igt lg. tis is d one. jd mesti ade sumtin yg nk dismpaikan kt aku kan? hope for d best! insyaAllah... till then!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
mandi malam~
reason to take bath?
for me...........bathing rejuvenate d body. i feel fresh after taking bath.
well, others said it makes us look younger.haha! weirdddddd!!!
warm water
but yeah..bile fikir balik...d steam..and warmth from d water..(if u took hot n warm water to bath) can somehow soften and make d skin smooth. true! air suam ni..bukak pores on d skin and toxin bwh kulit boleh kluar and secara xlangsung...bleh elak pertumbuhan pimples2 durjana kt muke...haha!betol.. klu x..xdela mak datin2 artis2 sebok nk masuk spa duduk dalam bilik wap semata2 nk cantik kan?
erm....nape lepas bersukan kene mandi?
my answer : tah. dah peluh2 mesti la kene mandi...klu x..nt masam2 kurap2!
tapi...d fact is..if u do sports..the muscles n limbs will b tense and kinda feel tight.
mandi..boleh melonggarkan ketegangan urat2 at d same time bwt korg feel relax je.
u will get a good nite sleep. promise! and proven! so..mandila sebelum kite nak tido..
a restful sleep is a confirm dudes~!hehe~
sebenarnye..i love and its my favourite to take bath at nite. dari dulu2 sampai la skrg. sebelum tido mesti mandi. peluh ke..xpeluh ke..wangi ke..busuk is a must. its like others yg mmg have to brush teeth b4 sleep. i need bath. i neeeeeed it. cakapla ape pon...lantak!hahaha~
slalu dikaitkan dgn mandi malam. padahal pneumonia bukanlah hanya disebabkan oleh mandi malam sahaje. poyonye ayat.hohohoho~
after doing some some thoughts dat i read..:
* "my parents said as long as not taking shower with cold water then it should be alright. "
* "i have a friend who normally took bath late at nite to make him awake for study, later kne
paru2 berair."
* "take shower just to clean yourself up. its no harm i suppose. i do midnight futsal and took
shower after games anyway. just to clean the sticky sweat."
* "i used to take bath before going to sleep iregardless warm or cold water back in 20 years ago
till i reach 30. when i was around 27, all sort of problem start kicking-in. i tend to have body
ache, muscle pain, bone pain, joins pain, difficulty in breathing. I see a doctor first and
therapist later when i was 30. I was advice to stop taking cold or hot shower at night before
sleep and i did. Now i had stop taking shower before sleep for like 2 years more back
pain, body ache, joints pain or shoulder pain. i immediately take shower after reach home and
dinner which is 8pm.
* "Taking a shower at night won't kill you. Not taking a shower at all will make you stink.
Therefore, the question should be:
1. Would you take a shower at night?
2. Would you rather stink while you get laid or sleep?
mcm2 la yg org kate. some do agree..some dont. untuk aku...xde ape yg bleh prevent me to take nite bath. klu xmndi malam...confirm xboleh tido. nanti akn terjage around 2-3 am and after dat dh xbleh nk tido balek.
ive been diagnosed las august. to have bacteria infection in my lungs. when my friends and family got to know it.....sume ckp..tula..suke mandi malam. it has nothing to do with mandi malam. betol! cuma ape kaitannya.....lepas lung can never b like b4. malam2 sure susah nk breathe..even lepas mandi..its gettin worse. so keadaan dh xsame mcm dlu. klu dlu mndi malam xde kesan pon utk aku. and bronchitis bukan disbbkan mndi malam. but now mndi malam mmg xboleh sbb nk elakkan aku dr susah nk breathe. kdg2 malam2..ak xdpt nk tido. satu mlm xtido. tapi........ade aku kesah??!!!!
jgn fikir benda yg negatif je. fikir la kulit boleh cantik..bdn xsaket2...klu asyik fikir pneumonia la..bronchitis la..ape pon xjadi kan?
i know. some might not agree....tapi....korg paham kan??
renung2kan dan selamat beramal!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010
smpi la skrg....
ak akn menjadi mangsa keadaan..
heran ajaibnye..yg laen xkene pon..
asek2 aku.
nmpk ke ketokohan ak ni?
menyambung kerjaya mak aku..
jadi cikgu. CIKGUUU??!!
no way..............

Saturday, January 30, 2010
untuk ape?
tp tenang ke?
ke aku balek sbb nk redakan ketegangan?
sesungguhnye, ak maseh xtenang lagi.
dh nk dekat 24 jam ak kt sini....
xde perubahan pon ak rse.
mknenye, ye. confirm....ak xtenang.
xtaw cmne nk mulekan.
xde ruang utk ak luahkan ape2 kt mak.
maybe next time.
maybe i shud keep tis 1st.
tp makin lame kt sini...makin byk plak persoalan.
betol ke cara ak handle sume ni?
or am i being selfish? self centered?
layak ke aku nk react mcm ni?
ak sape? hebat sgt ke aku?
shud i be more positive?
or shud i be more careful?
even worse....
kenapa perlu aku fikir pjg2 pasal ni?
u stop thinking n gamble je la mia!
byk lagi bnde laen that u need to think of!
move on! live up ur life!
which means...layan je!
gambate, mia!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
next level of life~
soh pegi sane sini....
survey harge...
beli brg kawen..
pastu die plak kt sane sebok cari bunge telor..
nk bagi ape kt org..
xmo bagi nk bg bunge telor..
ak dinamakan wedding planner..
makcik itu..............mmg la.
sape nk kawen?
konpom laa...akuuu!!
aku punya abg lerrr!!!!! agagagagagaga~~
bile dh 1st tyme..konpom2 la....sume org pon akn excited punye.
cm mule2 nk blaja kete..mule2 nak masok uni..
bnde first2..mule2 ni...mmg sonok nk bwt.
itu pasal la...hajah halijah aka mak kesygn saye tu....ovvverrrr u~~~
1st wedding in d family. abg ak ank ke2..
langkah bendul la ade die kesah??! dh tangkap cintan sgt dh tu~
biala..umo pon dh 30~
so...ape2 pon..tahniah..smoge happy..bahagia..ak happy nk dpt kakak lagi..umo 23! sebaya aku..cpt la ngam kire..hahah! [sonok la tu..dpt bini mude remaje tahap2 aku...POWER la tu kire?! hahahhaa]
wlupun yg ade 2 org ni pon ak xterlarat nak die la satu2nye kakak ipar yg akn aku ade smpi bile2 pon kan...jage die baek2..n smpan duet! bkn sng nk bela ank org!


Sunday, January 24, 2010
ape yg ade
dont judge. cz human cn never b perfect. we make mistakes.
learn from it.
i hope i cn be positive bout it. tp tu la. mcm ak ckp...
manusia selalu bwt do i. jd...tegorla klu ak bwt silap..
igtkan ak bile ak lupe diri..

Saturday, January 23, 2010
2 posts in 1 day!
hari ni rase xbermaya je. today...i juz sit back n spent time wif my sister yg dh 2mngu cuti n sedang meniti hari nk keje balek tis monday~ kemas umah malas..makan pon malas..mandi pon malas.. so akhirnye kitorg amek lunch at 530pm. its considered our dinner too. kire lunch dinner la. malas nk kuar..malas nk masak..n kitorg 2-2 pon sdg on diet. sesuwai la cmtu.asyik malaaaaas je. cmne hidop nk bekembang neh?!haha~
plus, ak xsehat dr smlm. rase xsedap badan...tekak pahit2...ati xtenang...paru2 rase ketat je membwatka nafas ak jadi dh rase seram2 sejuk dah. ive never been in a good health since ak didiagnose ade bronchitis dlu.kejap2 je la klu nk sehat tu..skrg, bile malam je.....sesak nafas. senang demam..tu satu hal. ive never been like tis b4. dlu nk demam pon susah~ setahun sekali je. itu b4 diet. ak assume immune system ak kuat la..lpas diet..lose weight..sume berubah.bukan bentuk badan je..ak rase kesihatan n pemikiran ak pon same2 berubah. ak cepat kenyang kerap makan. cepat sakit..
jgn la dtg demam.... tis coming week akan jd sgt bz..
1. lab biodi dh stat! hell....lab ngn junior..konfem dorg igt aku repeat.padahal akk belom amek lg subject ni dik!!! disbbkan ia subjek wajib major..tepakse la menebalkan muke yg xbape nk cun neh!
2. final part of d labwork. pLDH assay. asek tangguh2 je. ak malas. labmate balek kg. haha! nex week akn abiskan semua. tggl part nk tulis je lg.
3. my supervisor nk tgk my 1st thesis draft. habuk pon belom ditaip lagi. ape nk tnjuk kt die??
p/s : ade hati nk sambung masters..dgn cmni punye perangai.
wish me luck folks!pray for me! i really need to stay healthy to complete all those thing...
till then....bye!

am i d lucky one?
in tis kinda situation......lucky kah aku? yg tgh pusing2 in my mind rite now..
sumone help me!!
btw...i actually and finally brought ijan,zaza,ayrin,nisa,shake n fizah to bagan lalang las thurs..
bibit n lan pon ikot jugak as tourist guide~haha!
kejap je kat sane. they wanted sum extraordinaire scenery~~
utk projek fotografi i helped em! heheh~
korg bagi dapat A taw..u guys can do it!
it was a tiring day..mlm semalam sambung lagi kt putrajaya..
cz some snaps xjadi..shuter speed la..f stop la..which i dont really understand! haha!
instead of around ukm je..ape slhnye g putrajaya yg kentot pon dgr dari ukm tu..
hhehehe~ sambil2 tlg dorg..i could spent sum times ngn dorg..
since dh lame sgt xhang out same2. 2 kelas je yg same ngn dorg tis sem.
so..paham2 je la. plus i got 1st year subjets punye classes to attend to...
so bile dorg xde kelas..aku de kelas..dorg ade kelas..ak xde pulak...
but its ok. they do understand. i hope.hehe~ sum pics for u guys. kt facebook byk lagi...tgk eh~~








Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i did realize tis when neo got into accident kat bukit jalil. and then savvy started to make problems.
1. tayar botak!
2. battery low. ( ak tersadai kat sprint damansara for an hour ok!)
3. enjin terbakar! (can u imagine?!!! i spent 7k to fix it!) tu kn kehendak tuhan..ada hikmah..
baru nak happy2 neo kluar workshop..dat nite accident lg!
tis was not my yg langgar hokayyyy~ lepas beberapa friend die pon accident jugak. fuhh~badi ke hape?!
soo...continuous kan? n d best part is.........all things above happened in d same month!
after 3 weeks masok bengkel..savvy pon da ok.. las saturday..yay! accident!
tis time ak ngaku la salah aku.....i bumped a car infront at a roundabout around Bangi.
weird.........ak xde perasaan langsung time tu. lucky giler owner kete tu baek...kete die calar sket jarghhh~
ptg td skip class. ade quiz. kantoi.....tgh sambut bday junior..tibe2 i got a call from a friend. die accident pulak...nk dijadikan cerite......
on my way back home last nite..ive been followed by a Gen2 plate no W** 3021 all the way from sg besi ke rumah ak. perhhhhhh!!!! CUAK habes taw x! ketaq lutut mak aihhh~~~~
rempit 160km/j...jalan nk balek umah plak sunyi..aish~naseb rumah aku ade pakgad2. thanx to em for not letting those culprits in.
but they know where i live kan?! aishh~~ so esok ak ade mission. klu dorg ikut lagi..mari teros ke balai polis! ehehehe~jage korg! ak bakal tahu sape korg sbnrnye!
byk betol perkataan accident kan? sbb setiap hari...4-5 jam dh dhabiskan untuk memandu kereta. hahaah~ motif of d story bukan psl pasal naseb aku.
so now..i am so ready to face wats gonna happen next! bukan besedia mental n fizikal so that bile stress.....ak xlepas pressure tu kt org laen..sori lann pasal malam td. termelenting xtentu psal...xbwt dh ok! eskrem eh nt. haha! semoga kite semua dijauhkan dari malapetaka ya Allah~
Sunday, January 17, 2010
kemusykilan abad ini~
TULI$ MiNtAk cm tgn kit0RanG niE k0mPUter..
aku mUsykIl..
koRg mu$ykil tAk?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
mI$$ Her..
rindu nye kamu~~~~
tgk toys kamu...
bekas2 cakaran gigitan kt tgn ni haa..
rindu sgt!
sehat2 ek kt sane...
namo nakal2 jaat2...
senam2 taw...namo gundu2..
windu lisyaaaaaaaa~~
Friday, January 15, 2010

tong drum
besar gedabak
ye...itu adelah aku..lbeyh kurg setahun yg lepas.
gedabak an?
mule2 ak xrase aku mcm tu.
org ckp..high level of confidence.haha!
but then...satu hari..
i got 1 biochem lab.
which needed me to measure all those lemak bwh kulit semua..
including body age!
time tu baru rase nk pengsan kot.
body age:40
mmg gile!
starting march 2009.
bermulela diet aku.

anything excluding NASI dan mknn yg manis2.
oat,air mineral,buah, kurg tido,
kurg mknn lemak2 manis2,bykkan exercise.



berat skrg secara jujurnye...58.7 kg.
lepas diet..dan saket2..
ak kehilangan 13.1 kg dlm setahun.
alhamdulillah...wif helps n supports from my friends..
especially IJAN!
sbb jage makan aku..n teman ak exercise~
smpi ak jd jaguh badminton ukm.haha!
my aim.....50kg. hopefully..sblm grad..ak dpt capai itu.
pray for me!
tp...ape org panggel ak lpas ak kurus?